Wednesday, 19 July 2017

solar batten light

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Friday, 7 July 2017

Integrated solar power street lamps


We are professinal manufacture of solar power street lamps.

If you are interested,please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

MPPT Plug & Play Solar Power Street Light

Plug & Play Solar Power Street Light


1: Solar panel should be adjustable/rotatable.     
The solar panel should be always face to sun properly in order to get the highest using efficiency as much as possible, All in one solar street light cannot be adjusted, for the solar panel is fixed. Auroras's HELIOS solar light is perfect to solve this problem. Easy for customers' installation.

2: Solar panel should big enough to generate power for daily use.
The solar panel of all in one solar street light is installed at backside of light. it causes very hard to enlarge the solar panel. so there is always not enough electricity generated for daily use.2: HELIOS solar light separate solar panel, It is free to use smaller or bigger solar panel according to project's actual situation. and customer can only buy solar light head only if there is solar panel in stock. Saving cost.

3: Battery Capacity Should be Big Enough:
Big battery supports good lighting performance at night without darkness, HELIOS solar light is using 50% big capacity than all in one solar light, it supports continuously 100% power output for 10 hours per day. All-in-one only can work in energy saving mode.

4: Different Lighting Results with same power
All in one 20W only gives 800-900lm at night. it creates a not brightness on road.
HELIOS 20W, gives more than 2400lm continuously more than 10 hours freely.

Saturday, 25 March 2017

Plug & Play Solar Power Street Light

Plug & Play Solar Power Street Light


1: Solar panel should be adjustable/rotatable.     
The solar panel should be always face to sun properly in order to get the highest using efficiency as much as possible, All in one solar street light cannot be adjusted, for the solar panel is fixed. Auroras's HELIOS solar light is perfect to solve this problem. Easy for customers' installation.

2: Solar panel should big enough to generate power for daily use.
The solar panel of all in one solar street light is installed at backside of light. it causes very hard to enlarge the solar panel. so there is always not enough electricity generated for daily use.2: HELIOS solar light separate solar panel, It is free to use smaller or bigger solar panel according to project's actual situation. and customer can only buy solar light head only if there is solar panel in stock. Saving cost.

3: Battery Capacity Should be Big Enough:
Big battery supports good lighting performance at night without darkness, HELIOS solar light is using 50% big capacity than all in one solar light, it supports continuously 100% power output for 10 hours per day. All-in-one only can work in energy saving mode.

4: Different Lighting Results with same power
All in one 20W only gives 800-900lm at night. it creates a not brightness on road.
HELIOS 20W, gives more than 2400lm continuously more than 10 hours freely.

日前,经贵州省委常委会讨论决定,周文任贵州省国土资源厅党组书记,提名任贵州省国土资源厅副厅长。 周文,1966年8月生,贵州省大方县人,1985年11月加入中国共产党,研究生学历。1982年9月...

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

2016 Best selling solar power lights


Following with our best selling solar power lights in 2016,are you interested in this type of products ?


1: Solar panel should be adjustable/rotatable.     
The solar panel should be always face to sun properly in order to get the highest using efficiency as much as possible, All in one solar street light cannot be adjusted, for the solar panel is fixed. Auroras's HELIOS solar light is perfect to solve this problem. Easy for customers' installation.

2: Solar panel should big enough to generate power for daily use.
The solar panel of all in one solar street light is installed at backside of light. it causes very hard to enlarge the solar panel. so there is always not enough electricity generated for daily use.2: HELIOS solar light separate solar panel, It is free to use smaller or bigger solar panel according to project's actual situation. and customer can only buy solar light head only if there is solar panel in stock. Saving cost.

3: Battery Capacity Should be Big Enough:
Big battery supports good lighting performance at night without darkness, HELIOS solar light is using 50% big capacity than all in one solar light, it supports continuously 100% power output for 10 hours per day. All-in-one only can work in energy saving mode.

4: Different Lighting Results with same power
All in one 20W only gives 800-900lm at night. it creates a not brightness on road.
HELIOS 20W, gives more than 2400lm continuously more than 10 hours freely.

中国气象报通讯员蒋兆恒报道 3月以来,广西壮族自治区贵港市平南县出现连续多日晴热少雨天气,对春耕春播、植树造林、库塘蓄水等造成了严重的影响,同时随着清明节临近,森林防火形势异常严峻。 3月22日...
投放的氯氮平在药店可以买到 文/金羊网记者 唐波图/金羊网记者 王俊伟 因要求涨薪未果,东莞一幼儿园的保育员竟向孩子"投毒",10名孩子中招入院。截至22日上午,孩子们已基本痊愈,当地政府称已达...

Monday, 6 March 2017

2016 Best selling solar power lights


Following with our best selling solar power lights in 2016,are you interested in this type of products ?


1: Solar panel should be adjustable/rotatable.     
The solar panel should be always face to sun properly in order to get the highest using efficiency as much as possible, All in one solar street light cannot be adjusted, for the solar panel is fixed. Auroras's HELIOS solar light is perfect to solve this problem. Easy for customers' installation.

2: Solar panel should big enough to generate power for daily use.
The solar panel of all in one solar street light is installed at backside of light. it causes very hard to enlarge the solar panel. so there is always not enough electricity generated for daily use.2: HELIOS solar light separate solar panel, It is free to use smaller or bigger solar panel according to project's actual situation. and customer can only buy solar light head only if there is solar panel in stock. Saving cost.

3: Battery Capacity Should be Big Enough:
Big battery supports good lighting performance at night without darkness, HELIOS solar light is using 50% big capacity than all in one solar light, it supports continuously 100% power output for 10 hours per day. All-in-one only can work in energy saving mode.

4: Different Lighting Results with same power
All in one 20W only gives 800-900lm at night. it creates a not brightness on road.
HELIOS 20W, gives more than 2400lm continuously more than 10 hours freely.

台旅会携手LOFTER疯狂旅行团在深圳分享赴台个人游。 台旅会北京办事处副主任江志端指出,"台湾即将迎来春暖花开的最佳旅游季节,正是计划前往台湾的最佳时刻。 参加台湾之旅的大陆网络达人,向全...
中央文明办中国文明网总编辑董青为第一万名中国好人周东红颁发证书 央广网宣城3月4日消息(记者 余京津) 二月中国好人榜发布仪式暨全国道德模范与身边好人(安徽·宣城)现场交流活动昨天在安徽省宣城市...

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Solar Power Flame Light

If the pictures can not be well displayed,please visit our website:


  • Automated solar dusk-to-dawn photocell functionality,No wiring required,No electric need
  • Consists of 96 LEDs, each LED flickers warm yellow lights,dozens of change of flame,mimic extremely realistic & natural dancing flames
  • Great Decorative Landscape for outdoor events(Party,Camping,Barbecue) & areas such as yard,pathways,pool,garden,bench,patio,fence,deck
  • High-capacity 2200mAh built-in battery,Solar power charging,convenient and safe to use around kids and pets
  • Total Torch Height 31.1",Total Weight 0.8 lb

*Creating the romantic feel of a flickering flame for your party,barbecue,camping.Making these the perfect addition to poolside,backyards,patios or any outdoor environment.Transform your yard into a tropical paradise.
*Before Use,Make sure to expose the light during the day using the sun's rays to fully charging the battery for 2 more days.Please be kindly noted that as a solar powered product,the working time is weather sensitive.

LED BULBS : 96Pcs,span life 50000 Hrs
Li-ion Battery: 3.7V 2200mAh(Span Life 500 circles,Rechargeable)
No Strobe Lights
No Radiation
Protect function: Over charging/discharging/current,short circuit.

微博截图 记者从中国科学院学部工作局了解到,已放弃外国国籍成为中国公民的中国科学院外籍院士杨振宁、姚期智两位教授,日前正式转为中国科学院院士。外籍院士提出转为中国科学院院士在学部历史上还是首次。 ...中安在线讯 记者2月21日从安徽省发改委获悉:2016年,皖南示范区实现旅游总收入2593.96亿元,接待入境游客398.32万人次、国内游客2.63亿人次,同比分别增长18.8%、10.3%和17...