Thursday, 19 May 2016

Small Wind Turbines for Homes


Good Day !  we are manufacturer of  Small wind turbines for Homes 100-10KW.

If you are interested,we are glad to show the detail.

Best regards,

Arthur Zhou 
Eco Energy Solutions
Solar Power,Wind Power,LED Lighting
Tel:+86-13095837350 ( WhatsAPP,WeChat)
Skype: tengye.arthur

昨日晚间某微信公众号发布的一篇名为《传杨幂已离婚!券商尽调逼出真相》的稿件在朋友圈传得沸沸扬扬。不过今天有接近该券商内部人士告诉中国网财经记者"娱乐圈新闻怎么能拉上金融圈","明显是瞎扯!" 上...同样为官一任,为什么有的人如过眼云烟,随风飘散再不聚头,而苏轼虽早已化作尘与土,每到清明却还是有群众自发在苏堤吊唁?同样是"能人",为什么有的人利欲熏心,从权力顶点摔下马,被老百姓践踏成泥,而"甘当...


Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Small Wind Turbines for Homes,Frams,and Small Business


Good Day !  we are manufacturer of Wind Turbine Generators 100-10KW.

The advantages:

1, Low start up wind speed
2.high wind energy utilization
3.Beautiful appearance
4.low vibration operation,low noise.
5.Being installed by human design and easy for installation,maintenance and repair.

If you are interested,we are glad to show the detail.

Best regards,

Arthur Zhou 
Eco Energy Solutions
Solar Power,Wind Power,LED Lighting
Tel:+86-13095837350 ( WhatsAPP,WeChat)
Skype: tengye.arthur

人民网厦门5月10日电(陈遥)10日下午3时,一声声警报响彻厦门全市各个角落,这是厦门每年5月10日都会开展防空警报试鸣暨人防演练。 今年演练主要分四项内容:试鸣防空警报、主场人防演练、居民紧急...2016-5-10 15:55:00 本网讯受超强厄尔尼诺影响,4月以来湖北省降雨频繁,且降雨时段与小麦抽穗扬花期高度吻合,易致小麦赤霉病侵染流行。针对小麦赤霉病暴发流行形势,湖北省各级政府和农...