Thursday, 10 September 2015

Re:LED Tube & Panel/Saledtech

Hi Friend

How are you?

Very long time no your news,wish you're well.

Sales season is coming,any purchase plan?

Please feel free to let me know what can i do for you.

Looking forward to your kind reply,thanks.


—Professional Manafacturer of LED Lighting



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Thursday, 30 July 2015

Solar Power Home Systems


Glad to update you with our new solar power products.

We have more than 200 models available for your chose ..

Solar power garden light,street light,door light,solar traffic light ....

Feel free to contact me for more information.

Arthur Zhou

——对常州市政府采购评审专家及专家库管理问题的分析 ■ 刘明孙戴峰 近年来,江苏省常州市政府采购规模和范围不断扩大,其中市政府集中采购目录中的品目已由市采购中心成立初期的8项扩展至170项之...长城网张家口7月30日讯(记者张世豪 郭洪杰)"Very delicious(味道非常棒)"30日,参加第九届世界马铃薯大会的中外专家来到张家口察北管理区、塞北管理区部分企业参观交流,他们品尝到当地...

Monday, 22 June 2015

All-in-one Solar Garden Light


Sorry if disturb.

This is Arthur from E-able Power,and we are focused on Integrated Solar Street Lights for more than 8 Years,have a wide range from 5W~80W.

If interested,we will show you more information.

Best regards,
Arthur Zhou
E-able Power
南海网海口6月22日消息(南海网记者 周静泊)南海网记者今日从海口市市政市容委获悉,为确保桥梁设施在"鲸鱼"台风期间运营安全,海口市桥梁管理有限公司对海口市内58座水上桥梁及重要桥梁进行安全排查,及...
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央广网北京6月22日消息(记者朱永 许云 吴媚苗 周羽)据中国之声《全国新闻联播》报道,今年第8号强热带风暴"鲸鱼"正逐步向海南东部沿海靠近,海南交通目前已经受到较大影响,海南、广东严阵以待做好抢险...
中国江西网讯 记者李运辉报道:22日晚,中国江西网记者从南昌市公安局获悉,针对6月22日南昌市遭遇大到暴雨天气,凡因道路积水以及交警采取临时性交通管制、分流等原因导致的机动车逆向行驶、调头、违反交通...

Monday, 19 January 2015

Arun Prasath's invitation is awaiting your response

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Arun Prasath
Arun Prasath
R&D Engineer @ NOKIA
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Monday, 12 January 2015

Arun Prasath's invitation is awaiting your response

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Arun Prasath
Arun Prasath
R&D Engineer @ NOKIA
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Wednesday, 7 January 2015

I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn

Arun Prasath
R&D Engineer @ NOKIA
Bengaluru Area, India
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- Arun
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